Intertextuality- For media purposes, intertextuality refers to other items from popular culture that are mentioned in the video. The viewer then interprets the video in light of the deliberate suggestions made by the connections between the primary and secondary texts. Intertextuality is often seen as connections between texts that take place inside a context or media. Intertextuality is frequently used by editors and filmmakers in music videos since it blends several cultural norms borrowed from earlier works that are appropriate for multiple audiences. Intertextuality in music videos enables viewers to connect with their theoretical background and utilise it to establish their identity.
In other words, intertextuality primarily refers to the act of one form of media (such as cinema, television, music, etc.) honouring another kind of media text.

In Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" music video, for instance, there is intertextuality. The entire video marketing of this media material includes images of newspaper front pages and stories. Newspaper articles featuring the paparazzi's images of Lady Gaga after she was thrown from a cliff have catchy, dramatic headlines.
Music videos are examples of media art and frequently act as venues for various parts of postmodern culture. In some cases, the music and movies are also about postmodern culture, and on occasion, they even admit it.

An example of postmodern aesthetics in music videos is Lady Gaga's 'Telephone". With the usage of the postmodern element of pastiche, which means that she has replicated elements of cinema with the screen title and also at the conclusion of the music video where there are the credits running at the end, Gaga's videos appear to consistently contain cinematic components. These, however, go against the grain of conventional film norms since they go in the opposite direction of what is anticipated. In an effort to lessen the stigma surrounding this, the director uses provocative dancing, minimal clothing, and profanity in the music video, which results in a cultural flattening that weakens and devalues the culture surrounding these identities and symbols.